Thursday, August 30, 2012


Did I say Dolphins +1.5?  I meant Dolphins +17.5.  That “7” key really sticks on my keyboard.  It looks like rather than offering my exquisite advice on the Dolphins/Cowboys extraordinary preseason tussle, I should have offered that Ricky fella some companionship.

In reference to the Over/Under picks/rationale I gave yesterday, if you’re looking for a fairly in-depth analysis of all of the NFL team season win total Over/Unders (I gotta think of a way to shorten this modifier) for this year, check out the B.S. Report podcast with Bill Simmons.  Part 1 of the 2 part series came out yesterday, and I believe Part 2 comes out today.  In Part 1, Bill and Cousin Sal break down the Over/Unders for just the NFC teams.  In Part 2, they will hash out the AFC.  Also, as the NFL season gets underway, usually Monday or Tuesday of each week Bill and Sal will do their weekly “guess the lines” B.S. Report podcast in which they discuss NFL results from the week before, discuss Bill’s success, or lack thereof, with his SUPERCONTEST picks, and then try to guess what Vegas will set all of the NFL spreads at for the coming week.

Last year, as I started to look at matchups for the coming week, I found it beneficial to guess the lines ahead of time myself. Early each week, I’ll try to post my guesses as well as the actual lines and then give my take on why I guessed what I guessed, if I was off by a significant amount, why I was off, etc.  If you’re keeping up with the NFL, 80-90% of the time your guesses should be within 3 points of the actual line.  If you are further off than that, you need to either do some additional research before you start deciding which side of the line to hit OR heavily consider hanging up your gambling shoes.  Two of the biggest reasons I’ve found for a large deviation between my guesses and the actual lines are 1) significant injuries for 1 team or 2) one team matches up much better with the other.

With both of these, it is extremely difficult to obtain perfect information.  No matter how players injuries are listed on the various sites that list NFL player injuries, you’re never going to know the complete truth.  Players injury statuses aren’t accurate with respect to their actual injury statuses.  They are consistent with how the front office wants to portray their injuries to gain an edge on their upcoming opponent(s).  Unless you’re in that locker room or practicing with those players every day, you just don’t know…but Vegas does. 

The idea of matchup deficiencies follows this same line of thought.  No matter how well you think you know the Chargers offensive line and special teams, Vegas has its laundry list of metrics it will use to outsmart you a vast majority of the time.

In these 2 areas, Vegas WILL KNOW MORE THAN THE AVERAGE BETTOR 99% of the time.  Don’t get me wrong.  There are professional bettors out there that are very much on top of their games and can gain an edge in this department.  But for you and me, if you try to guess a line and completely whiff, give Vegas the benefit of the doubt and favor the opposite side of the line.  Don’t act proud and stand firm with your judgment.  Let Vegas do the work for you.

Drop by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week for the first “guessing of the lines” blog post.

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